I have this friend, and she is awesome. The guys love her (really, everyone does!). She is a woman who will grab your attention, because she is just so beautiful, inside and out.
She's had boyfriends, and almost-boyfriends, and has been single for a while lately. She was recently asked out for a dinner date.
You'd think that's no big deal, right? But here's the sad thing. For all her dating over the years, that was the first time a new guy asked this amazing woman specifically out for a
real, intentional
date. No confusing "talking" period. No masking it as hanging out. No "friendlationship" crap. He was a guy who knew what he wanted: to take my friend out for a fun evening and get to know her more. And so he simply asked her! He didn't waste his time -- or more importantly, hers.
Let me tell you something - that, in and of itself, was attractive. And rare.
I guess when you're in high school and college, people are still kids and have to be all weird about everything. I guess.
If you are a male who is past college-age, though, I have a message for you:
grow up, and man up to the challenge. If you're interested in getting to know a girl, do her a favor and just ask her out--on a real date, mind you. "Hanging out" is a misleading waste of time. (Unless you really just want to be friends, and then it's fine, of course! But in my opinion, unless you're already good friends with the lady, hanging out is most safely done with more people than just the two of you. No one likes mixed messages.)
Right, so she might turn you down. Getting turned down sucks, surely...but regardless of her response, if she's like nearly every woman I know, she will
respect you a lot more if you are upfront, than if you putz around making her guess at what you're really up to.
(Oh yeah -- for this to work right, I think men AND women have to recognize a date for what it is -- a single square on the calendar. It shouldn't be equated with anything it is not, like commitment, marriage, love, etc. It doesn't even have to mean "I like you"...just simply, "I want to know you at least a little better." No pressure there, on either side. Right? Am I crazy?)
I know many guys have good intentions when they try to hang out with their lady of interest without actually
asking her out. But you know how we women feel when we get the drift of what's going on? Oftentimes, we feel manipulated. We feel like you are trying to trick us into liking you. That is not fertile ground for growing respect, my friends.
And if you feel that the only way you can "get a girl" is to trick her, well...first of all, that's probably not true, if you're a decent guy with integrity; and second of all, it's
your issue to resolve - don't do her the disservice of protecting your insecurities by being ambiguous or unclear. It's 2008, and upfront honesty is still the best policy.
(You've seen the movie scene...guy who's trying to ask out girl says, "I'm really nervous/bad at this." Does girl say, "What? You are such a freaking loser; get out of my face!" No - if
she is a decent woman with compassion, she thinks it's sweet. :P)
So, to mash up my platitudes:
if you can't do something honestly and openly, don't do anything at all.I'm sure that should be taken to heart by everyone, not just guys. But I have to laugh (not really) that among our many stereotypes, we women are "hard to read"...we expect that men should be able to "read our minds"...we don't "say what we mean"...
These days, that door swings both ways so hard, it's about to come off its hinges
.Not being a guy, I don't know what the big deal is with asking women out, except for maybe that whole "rejection" thing. What a terrible word. When women say "no," we are saying no to a date with you. We are not saying, "I reject you as a human being." Just because one chick turns you down for a date doesn't mean that you're worthless, or that no other women could possibly take you up on it! Remember, it's just a square on a calendar...not the end of the world.
The funny (or sad) thing is, I don't know many women at all who are even given chances to say no.
..or yes.
So, guys, you should do yourselves, and us, a favor. Be courageous. Be honest.
Be men.[tasteful comments/rebuttals are welcome...]