Monday, August 18, 2008

Miracle Child

I can't not post this story about a little girl from my old home church. This church has experienced the unusual situation of having three lovely ladies struggling with brain tumors (and it's not a large church, either). One, from what I know, is still going back and forth in her battle. The second, our pastor's wife, went home to be with the Lord earlier this year (that may raise questions for some folks, so I will just point you to my pastor's blog and let him explain things).

The third and youngest is experiencing a miraculous recovery. Praise God! --

"Last week Cali had her much anticipated 3 month MRI visit combined with her post-transplant assessment. We are extremely happy to report that the MRI was clean and that her heart and lungs are perfectly fine!! Praise the Good Lord!! The day was a very long one for all three of our little angels but they came through it beautifully. The nurses just loved on little Cali and she was putting on quite a show for everyone. She was giving kisses and hugs to just about everybody which just lit the room up with smiles. Cali was also counting to 10, repeating every word possible, and even showed the doc. that she could stand up straight with no help at all. Doc. was very pleased with how well Cali is progressing, so pleased infact that he chose to reveal a heart touching bit of information about the night Cali first arrived at Duke with her tumor. He told the medical student side-kick that was making rounds with him that Cali was truly a "miracle child," because her condition was so bad on the night that she arrived that one of the doctors in the room pretty much gave up on Cali and left the room in heartache. That makes me cry just thinking about that statement. Looking at her now, and thinking about that night makes me fall on my knees and give thanks to God that he put his healing hand upon her. Cali is doing so very well and we want to thank everyone for keeping her in your prayers. God Bless and live each day expecting that there will be no tomorrow."

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