Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmastiiiiime is heerrrre

So, I just realized that one thing I probably should never do is live alone. Maybe that's because I'm thinking about how tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have been working in my apartment all day with no human contact 'cept for one ring from me mum, but the telly is just not very good comp'ny and the loneliness is making me jus' a lit'le bit mad. (Aren't you proud, Michelle? This means there's hope for me yet.)

At least I have been ridiculously productive today. Plus I watched Mary Poppins for the first time since I was a kid and realized it's one of the cleverest and sweetest movies I've ever seen. Quite wonderful, actually.


feliz navidad :)

1 comment:

jinglchelle said...

of course i'm proud of you!

you were starting to get ansy after ONE day in the apartment? you've come a long way from the 3-day-weekend-in-the-house stint.

glad to see i'm rubbing off...pretty soon you won't be able to stay in the house for a FULL DAY! then what will you do?!?