Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"You thrill me, Lord, with all that you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done." (Psalm 92:4. Read this verse in my NLT Bible a few weeks ago, and I love the way it's expressed...perfectly captures my sentiments during these Campbell years).

Michelle, we really need to write that know, the one where we share all the crazy stories of the in-your-face ways God has worked in our lives?

He doesn't let me forget that He's in the little things, too. This morning I was dragging with my work at TWR because the tedium of this particular assignment was starting to get to me. It's a project I'm doing for the Spanish department, consisting of listening to children's radio programs (like Adventures In Odyssey, except in Spanish)/reading the accompanying book, and writing questions for parents to ask their children to help them "discover God's truths in the programs."

It's fun...for a while. Then the constant "stop to look up a word"-ness starts getting old, and it gets boring, and then I remember I still have most of the series left to do...great.

This morning I was just thinking about how nice it would be to hear back from the listeners, as some sort of encouragement--to really remind me of the impact to which my work is contributing.

Spanish department meeting, a few hours later: my supervisor pulls out a stack of letters from kids who listen to the program and wrote to say how much they appreciate it. Hands them to me to read. I almost started to laugh, and then my eyes almost started to well up, because I'm a girl like that, but also because I'm continuously awestruck by God...

The big things, the little's just crazy (to put it terribly inadequately).

Father, may I always continue to thrill at Your greatness.

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