Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Even YOU can be Jack Bauer...

...with the right ringtone.

The office just got a new Cisco phone system with about a bajillion different rings, one of which is the official CTU's "beep-beep...BEEEEPbeeeep," for all you 24-lovers out there. (I will not be using that one, as I have been boycotting 24 ever since they killed Jack's wife in the last five minutes of season one.)

My favorites so far are:
-"Beam me up, Scottie!"
-Smeagol's "Not list'ning, not list'ning!"
-Tim the Toolman Taylor's infamous grunt
-the Bonanza theme
-Chewbaca noises (don't know what else to call them...)
-*beep beep* "Kirk to Enterprise."
-Scooby giggling

So, which one should I go for? :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say go for "Not listening, Not listening" or "Kirk to Enterprise" That one just made me laugh. LOVE YOU!