Wednesday, February 01, 2006

(beware: negativity below)

I've discovered I've hit a wall. I managed to come this far in the semester being all gung-ho about school/work/etc., but...yep, that's now faded.

I never have enough time to do everything I need, much less want. And considering I'm about to be homeless (that's what I tell myself for motivation) in a few months if I don't get my act together...not good.

I stupidly rebel against the things I must get done by goofing off, contributing to the aforementioned lack of time.

Plus my workout yesterday was overkill, and I'm all sore (and not in a good, "ah, what a great work out" way). And grumpy...because I've lost my getting-enough-sleep streak. Which is also probably a reason I have this annoying cold.

Wasting time puts me in a bad mood...ironically so, considering my life in general would seem to indicate that it's my absolute favorite thing to do.

(This was not wasted time, lest you scold me, as a little venting does something for dissipating self-disgust.)

I just need to f-o-c-u-s....I know I can do this...

My apologies for this very much less-than-cheery post.

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