Wednesday, January 10, 2007

sorry, no free pen at the end...

1. Do you ever wonder why you're doing what you're doing?
2. Do you find yourself grasping for motivation (ex.: you read Col. 3:23 and then cry, "HOW??")
3. Do you feel like your priorities in life need some serious restructuring?
4. Do you agree when people say, "you don't have to have it all figured out"...but that still doesn't make you feel much better?
5. Do words like "direction" and "goals" make the hair on the back of your neck stand up?
6. Do you ask yourself, "where am I going?" all too frequently, and yet it always seems like the first time you've really been faced with any of it?
7. Do you feel like you are in a unique situation in life to which no one can possibly relate, all the while knowing that to be patently false?
8. Do you like to use big words because that's about the only thing that makes you feel like an adult?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then...let's talk. And form a support group or something.


jinglchelle said...

okay! come on over to the first room on the left in your apartment for some baby counseling...


but really. yes. :)

Terry-Michael said...

Ummmm. So, yeah...can I join a support group like this? Given my current path...nevermind...when's the first group meeting?

I guess its not much comfort that a SLIGHTLY older guy is asking questions like you've posed.

Mip said...

actually, your [SLIGHTLY] older self asking the same questions IS a comfort because that means it's okay, right? haha. i mean, you've got several degrees and a lovely family. i've unused bachelor's and a suitcase full of clothes. i've got a lot to aspire to :P