Thursday, January 18, 2007

OH Thursday nights, you slay me

So it's probably the mark of a sappy loser if your eyes water while watching certain Office scenes and it's not always just from laughing. But that, my friends, is what happened tonight and I am said loser. And then I watched the amazing musical Scrubs that followed. SO out of the emotional heartstring-pulling of The Office and the kitschy goodness of Scrubs, plus my New Year's resolution to learn to be more honest, I present to you this weird tribute to the magic and power of television, music and honesty.

Since I cannot sing it to you, it will help to think about song styles such as those of the Little Mermaid's "Poor Unfortunate Souls" and Hair's "Hair." And of course, the critically acclaimed Scrubs musical, if you happened to have seen it.

(Brought to you by the first time I've gone to the gym in two months and the hyperactivity produced therein.)

This poemsong is dedicated to T. Shannon Prasad, because even if no one else can appreciate it, I know she will.

Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, "Oh Idiosyncratic Me."

If you don't think it's weird
that I love scifi and ballet
and I talk out loud in Spanish
if there's no one else to hear,

If you don't shrink in fear
to know that I have little tact
and that sometimes Office scenes
...well, they make me tear,

If you don't think it's silly
I turn red for no good reason
and my laughs are big explosions uncontrolled,
and I sing torch songs in the shower
but don't know how to be a flirt
and I wear flip-flops even when it's freezing cold,

And I talk extremely loudly
when I'm hyper and excited
and I'm type B but write up lists for everything,
and I start a lot of projects
that I'll probably never finish
and I think chocolate's not a want--it is a need,

If you won't think something's wrong
when I sing random words out loud
or when I'm staring with a frown (it means I'm thinking),
If you don't want to run and hide
when in the corner of your eye
you see me dancing 'round the room like I'm a gypsy,

If you can lovingly put up
with all these idiosyncracies,
well, dear, why don't you just hurry up,
hurry up and get here please!

I knoooow I'm only twenty-threeee,

But, heavens, I'm alreeeeeady twennnnnnty-threeeeeeeee!

In short:

Whoever you may be,
If you're not bothered that I'm crazy,
you could be the one for me!


Anonymous said...

Melinda Irene, may I just say that I love every little thing about you. If I were a dude...hehehe, well, I love you and all of your idiosyncracies!

jinglchelle said...

whew, that kills me with happiness.