Saturday, March 03, 2007

some folly for your day

this post is dedicated to some men who, if i met them, i would marry, if they let me. not all of them together, of course, as i'm pretty convinced that polygamy is not sanctioned by God.

but yes, this guy, because he takes striking photgraphs, travels the world and writes some very good words,

and this* lady-respectin'/drum-bashin'/sample makin' guy of course because, um, if you are well acquainted with my music habits you have seen how obsessed i can be after i've been to a show. i don't really know what to say to that, except have you seen this guy go?
*i was at this show, so i'm pretty sure that was me he was looking out for, there at the end. isn't he just sweet?

[who knows what he really looks like beneath the ever-worn beard, but] this guy, simply because of his song "Hold You In My Arms." it's reason enough for me.

any of these three guys, okay just two as one is married, because these once-amateur filmmakers' passion for both art and social justice has done incredible, incredible things.

...and i have to put one more of my sometimes-obsession, in honor of his being the only celebrity in the world who has reduced me to the ranks of those with starstruck crushes. oh well.

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