Monday, February 05, 2007

2 seemingly unrelated but possibly related things

1) Does anyone else in Raleightown get bummed out by the fact that all the 'good' shows seem to come to Charlotte and Chapel "Thrill" only? Which would not be a problem, were said shows on a weekend night...but no. They are nearly always on a Wednesday. Or Tuesday. Or Thursday or Sunday. Or Monday.

...^ + day job + need at least 7 hours of sleep = I have to miss out on way too many fun shows.

2) I am again in a "let's move to England" phase (a recurring theme that varies in degrees of earnestness), the diction of which is interesting in and of itself, "let's" being a contraction for "let us," and "us" implying someone in addition to myself. An idea originally founded in tara shannon's proposition that we move there "one day/in two years." Well, Shannon my dear, I am looking for what to do/where to go in the coming months, but sadly/wonderfully you have gained an amazing job here in the States.

I wish I would stop being not-very-serious about it just try to move there for a bit. I always have this feeling that I would fit in better there; not sure what that means, exactly, but it goes beyond my having fair skin and freckles, I assure you. Too bad I have a phobia of moving alone to places where I know no one.

3) I know I said two, but here is a third: this morning as I was getting ready for work, I turned my head for something or another, why is not the point, the point is that as my head completed this turn I heard a crunching noise in my neck, and now I cannot turn my head at all to the left. At the time this was somewhat disconcerting; at the moment it is very annoying/me duele mucho, as you can imagine. Once again, not doing well with that "quit doing stupid/harmful things to body" resolution.

This time it really wasn't my fault, least I've got that. But I'll tell ya, it makes for really awkward driving.

1 comment:

tom said...

hey, sorry you have an...accident(?). I hope your neck or back is feeling better. i just wanted to comment and say that i agree on your "no good shows" observation, and in fact, i have been looking at a lot of my favorite bands' tour list and trying to figure out where would be the best place to move in order to see the most shows. that's a pretty wise way to make decisions, right?

sorry i haven't gotten up with you about la musica. i'm still in a "cut my losses" kind of funk, and need/really want to start all over with new songs. i just don't know what to write yet. maybe i'll just start writing instrumental electronic/hip-hop songs and become a professional break dancer.

raleigh is pretty lacking in the music scene.