Friday, November 04, 2005


I want to read more, but more importantly, I need to read more. I have a fear that when I graduate I will feel quite inadequately educated with regard to many things.

I want to read a lot more theology and philosophy because there are so many ideas out there I've barely even tasted, as they've only been flashed at me in little spurts over the past few years. I want to be exposed to so much more, and actually have time to sift through it and try to understand it. (On my own time, though...not in a classroom.)

I want to read a lot more fiction, too, because I dearly miss the richness of the imagination that overflows from a good novel--the freedom you can bask in when the author takes your mind captive and ushers you into another world altogether. ooooo i miss it.

Sometimes I just wish I had the machine they used on the Matrix to download masses of information into your brain in no time at all...that would take care of the theology and philosophy i want to know, so that i could have all the time in the world to spend on catch up on the classics, indulge in the frivolous, and enjoy the contemporary.

Funny how reading was the first thing i was ever passionately interested in, since kindergarten, and it's such a small part of my life now...stupid college.

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