Saturday, September 03, 2005

Three cheers for diversity!

I grew up going to a neighborhood school where most of my friends were evenly split between black, white, and Philipino--actually, Philipinos prob took the largest place. And I didn't even know until about a month ago, when my dad told me, that my family had been among the minorities in that neighborhood....I spent most of the summer surrounded by central americans (it was wonderful)....My family just moved to a neighborhood where again they are the minority (it's a mainly black neighborhood, with some asian, latino, and caucasian)--too bad I won't be around there much....And I had lunch today with a Vietnamese chick from my dorm and a girl from Hong Kong who goes to my church.....some immigrants have fascinating stories, let me tell you.

I'm so glad to have finally gotten out of the WASP bubble that was my post-California, pre-college life.

Diversity. It's good for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya...this lil Indian (halfie) loves diversity...