Wednesday, August 17, 2005

enter my head, enter my heart,

...and i bet you'll find a piece of yourself.

That's what i've found a number of times, anyway--that what i'm thinking/feeling/going through is probably similar to, if not exactly the same as, what someone else is experiencing.

I had another one of those goosebump-inducing realizations of this last night.
If you know what i mean, you know how uncanny it is..

Enter my head, and you'll also find a myriad of other random thoughts that have been swirling around as of,

-i still think too much about how other people will respond to certain things about me, namely certain actions

-i'm still finding out what a frighteningly relationally jealous person i can be

-one of my greatest fears is not being alone, but rather being not-alone and then screwing it up (or someone/something else doing so)

-wondering about how to deal with all of the above

-we're often blind to the worst parts of us and need other people to remedy that (mainly only talking from personal experience)

-being a real, true friend and sister might mean biting the bullet and taking risks, and just trusting to God anyway

-i wonder if any parents can really understand the full extent to which they affect their children

-communication is key, to understate and be absolutely cliche....and this includes recognizing what does NOT need to be said

-one of my other biggest fears is....i'm scared of what will happen if i'm ever significantly cut off from my friendships because a job so requires it...and i even just mean geographically, which, let's face it, is more of a detriment to any friendship than we would like to think, and certainly more than we can help

-being bitter never did anyone any favors, but sometimes it's so hard for us to even realize that we're in that place...or maybe hard to even care...but mainly especially hard to do anything about it when we do realize and care (semi-talking from pers.exp. again)

-i'm happy....but i'm also tired of wondering about a number of things, and tired of being scared of other people as well as of myself

well that was a glimpse, wasn't it

1 comment:

jinglchelle said...


i'm so glad i finally saw that you changed your blog...i have been checking your old one ever since you came back from Costa Rica!

it was interesting to rea dall of your latest thoughts...we definitely need to make time to sit down and shoot the breeze this year b/c i don't want to wish i had.

let's do that once a week, for sure....yeah.

we'll pick a time ;)