Monday, January 26, 2009

It's funny....

I often find myself getting all wistful and envious when I see pictures from or hear about friends who have traveled the world, finding adventures and meeting fascinating people all along the way....

I know this is partly because people like to say, "do it when you're young, before you're's now or never!" (invariably said by the people who consider themselves well past the "now" stage).

But, not until this weekend did it really occur to me that: 1) while I would have loved to have been "that girl" who was an international vagabond right out of college, what I gained by giving that up is turning out to be just as rewarding. I'm thriving in a career that I love because it challenges me personally, professionally and creatively, and I've been able to establish a lot of meaningful, life-enriching relationships with the people around me.

...and 2) I don't actually believe in "now or never" for most things, and certainly not that.

My second epiphany from the weekend is that for some people, what they love and what they're actually good at are different things, which tends to translate into what they do everyday (to make a buck) not being what they love. I happen to come very close to having the two be one and the same, and thank you God, that is freakin' awesome! Mmmhm. Really, thank you.

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