Tuesday, January 13, 2009

If I could kick myself, I would...

....for quitting my knee rehab way too early.

The first step: I am finally admitting to myself that not doing rehab for two months is not a "long break because I was busy;" that is quitting! Which is not an option if I want to have my knee back to normal.

AH! Moral and prayer support appreciated :) I think this moves to the top of my New Years Resolution list. My knee has regressed, and I know it's because I haven't been taking care of it during the healing process nearly as well as I should be. I absolutely must change this. There is NO way I'm going to let that freakin' expensive surgery be for nothing.

1 comment:

jinglchelle said...

Call me everyday and I will give you motivation.

I will give you motivation now by telling you that my knew had never straightened in my whole life and that it does now and that I literally had to get through blood, sweat and tears daily for it.

And I will show you this weekend how it straightens.

How's that for motivation?? ;)