Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No more Facebook for a while.

Michelle and I often agree that if something is going to be hard and we don't want to do it, there's a good chance that means we need to do it....

So, I'll be giving up Facebook for Lent. Is it really lame that Facebook is a significant enough piece of my life that it's worth giving it up for Lent? Uh, yep. Which is exactly why I need to do it (well. one reason anyway.)

Plus, I've always had an addictive personality, so as a bonus it'd be great to be able to break that pattern down at least some (and if you've seen my out-of-control Facebook lately, you know that addiction is the word). We shall see..

Anyway, all the email notifications are going off as of midnight tonight, so if you need to contact me....hopefully you already know how to. (And nobody better leave terrible stuff on my wall! Michelle, you're in charge of that hehe.)

Also, Nicole has demanded that if I nix the Facebooking, I have to blog more....I'm sure that won't be a problem, nic :) (PS, this blog is imported to Facebook automatically, so that doesn't count!)

So, giving up: Facebook.
Adding: for starters, the Lenten devotional I slacked off on last year...

Didn't originally think I would say this, but I'm actually looking forward to it. (Looking forward to a lot of things this "Bright Sadness" season...more on that to come in the weeks ahead.)

1 comment:

jinglchelle said...

oh my gosh you're really doing it! WOW!

maybe you should give me your login so i can make sure you're not missing any important messages (i.e. needing your address for things, etc...) but i guess that negates the point!

can you imagine how much you will have to read when you get back on!

i am giving up a list of things; some personal goals, some to bring me closer to God. it's interesting to think about Lent b/c the point is really to further your relationship with God and to re-focus. i wanted to keep that in mind instead of just "break me of bad habits" stuff, even though that's good too!

i figure if i give up things to better myself (i.e. fried food, soda, sweet tea, bread) and then include gossip/negative speech and the goals of getting to work on time everyday and reading my Bible every morning BEFORE work, i will really be pushing myself and having to FOCUS.

just my thoughts :)