Friday, June 30, 2006

oh, sighsighsigh

Hmmm…I now see what it is like to have a “real” life and to not actually have time (nor inclination, often) to blog! Yes.

Maybe I’m in good moods most of the time, and that’s why my bad moods are so dreadful and make me feel like my life has hit rock bottom. Because once in a while, in the midst of a bad mood, I actually remember that my life has not. Which is kind of an annoying thing to remember, when you are stewing or want to cry (or are crying).

This post was brought to you by Melinda’s personal Listen For the Echoes bank account.

Ps, Raleigh people…I am sorry I have been MIA for like two months. Hope we hang soon. We just can’t go anywhere fun unless it’s your house, fyi. :)

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