Monday, December 26, 2005

So, :

Take these shoes / Click clacking down some dead end street / Take these shoes / And make them fit / Take this shirt / Polyester white trash made in nowhere / Take this shirt / And make it clean, clean / Take this soul / Stranded in some skin and bones / Take this soul / And make it sing / Yahweh, Yahweh / Always pain before a child is born / Yahweh, Yahweh / Still I'm waiting for the dawn / Take these hands / Teach them what to carry / Take these hands / Don't make a fist / Take this mouth / So quick to criticise / Take this mouth / Give it a kiss / Yahweh, Yahweh / Always pain before a child is born / Yahweh, Yahweh /Still I'm waiting for the dawn / Still waiting for the dawn, the sun is coming up / The sun is coming up on the ocean / This love is like a drop in the ocean / This love is like a drop in the ocean / Yahweh, Yahweh / Always pain before a child is born / Yahweh, tell me now / Why the dark before the dawn? / Take this city / A city should be shining on a hill / Take this city / If it be your will / What no man can own, no man can take / Take this heart / Take this heart / Take this heart / And make it break

For whatever reason this song is just striking a chord with me right now [as i listen to it on my IPOD, aka the gift from Justin the Incredible Brother...not that he wasn't already. :) ] ....haven't heard it in awhile, and it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Which of course is none too hard to do, apparently, looking at the last 12 months and how they have both brought back a resurrection of my juvenile sappiness (which i thought had abandoned me a few years ago) and also engendered what i guess might be called growing pains...

It's been a weird Christmas house, new traditions, less family in town, last Christmas break, last Christmas at "home" period, thoughts on graduation, closer to graduation, "real life" approaching (or encroaching, depending on how generous and adult I'm feeling), oh crap. And oh joy.

Etc. etc. etc. = tip of iceberg, naturally, but spite of my normal Christmastime fanaticism of every single year I can remember since my birth, the Christmas spirit seemed not inclined to visit me until the actual day was already half over. Very, very strange. I guess I attribute some of this to the above reasons.

In keeping with my normal blogging habits, i'm not going to get around to half of what i even intended to write about because A) It would probably not be nearly as interesting as i think B) i'm tired.

To continue my iPod commentary (hmmm...this could be fun...everyone should try to identify the songs I refer to on here occassionally, and then readers you may or may not know will be oh-so-impressed with your musical savvy and probably want to meet you, they'll be so impressed...It might even be as fun as CatchPhrase, the ultimate party game.): anyway, so girls may indeed speak in code, but boys speak in rhythm?? What? I'm, like, sooo not even gonna go there. And if you have to ask, then I'm so not telling you; you should just know.


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