Wednesday, December 14, 2005

10 days

...must certainly be a personal record of non-postedness, excepting, perhaps, Costa Rica.

I am glad that i have not missed the lack of high-speed internet, though. This lack of regret is partially due, of course, to the opportunity I have seized to indulge in frivoulous, non-edifying reading (i.e., not related to school, theology, or philosophy). God bless you, Gutenberg...

And it's back to work at the store tomorrow, cutting into my laziness but bringing a welcome financial relief.

I'm so glad i'm not going anywhere for Christmas this year. I'd like to enjoy my last one at home, in more than one sense...

I'm only indirectly a fan of change, I think, in that I'll admit to its great merits but still fight against the discomfort it brings.

These four weeks will be the longest period of time I will ever live inside this new house. How odd.


Kate said...

i do miss you.

and i am enjoying supervising the workers as they make your christmas present. teeheehee...

tom said...

this is unrelated to this post, but i just wanted to say thank you for your kind words. i notice that you're quite the poet(ess?) as well.