Monday, March 24, 2008

Oprah's Big Give - what do YOU think?

"Bundles of CASH...what would YOU do?"
-from "Oprah's Big Give" website

Now, Oprah's Big Give is a new show this season that "defies television convention with the bold idea of people competing to give rather than get."

And I just can't decide what I think about it.

Are some lives being changed for the better? I'm sure of it. Is this something Oprah cooked up because it was a sure-fire ratings coup? I doubt that was the only motivation...I mean, there are obvious pros to the show. I just wonder if the less-obvious cons outweigh them.

Is the "good feeling" produced by the show worth it, or is it just going to be a fad that will fade as does the show's novelty (or existence)? Does it just boil down to yet another an exploitation of the warm fuzzies for the sake of a successful sweeps run?

Similarly, some folks even question the value of American Idol's wildly popular "Idol Gives Back" show, saying that the amount of money spent promoting it isn't justified by the amount donated (though I would insert that SOME money definitely does have to be spent on promotion).

Questions, questions...if you're so inclined to respond, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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