Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Enjoy music.

Another take on one of my favorite songs...

I think if I could ever be a part of a song like this, that's as close as I'd come to being able to quit music and live off of that memory forever.


Anonymous said...

So maybe it's weird that I stumbled across this, but I think we have a lot in common in the way we feel about life and random artistic endeavors! :)

~Amber from ME3

Jeff said...

I think they're good in a way (the google ads), but I think the part that's been confusing to me is how to get them to show ads that people will actually click on.

They mould themselves to your content, but if your content is all over the place (like mine), I don't know if they're that effective.

Ashley and David said...

i think i could listen to this song all day long.

had SO MUCH FUN with you at the wedding... lets do that again. leah wants you to sing with us sometime... i say that is a fab idea!